Cure 4 The Kids Foundation Recognized Among 2019 Best Nonprofits To Work For

Cure 4 The Kids Foundation was recognized as one of the nation’s best nonprofit organizations to work for.  Our organization is listed as number 23 among the top 50 nonprofits recognized in the 2019 Best Nonprofits To Work For.

Cure 4 The Kids Foundation Ranks #23 Among Nation’s Top 50 Nonprofit Organizations To Work For

LAS VEGAS – April 3, 2019 – Cure 4 The Kids Foundation is proud to announce it has been selected as one of the nation’s best nonprofit organizations to work for, ranked at number 23 among the country’s top 50 nonprofit organizations, according to the 2019 Best Nonprofits To Work For, a nationwide survey conducted by the Best Companies Group.

The award is based on a number of factors including Cure 4 The Kids Foundation’s ability to create and maintain workplace excellence. In addition, a two-part survey collected general information about the organization, while employees took part in a 78-question survey — covering issues in eight categories — to gain confidential information about the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Like all organizations that were recognized among the Best Nonprofits to Work For, Cure 4 The Kids Foundation scored an average 90 percent positive survey responses. 

“This national recognition is extremely important to our organization, our employees, and to our patients,” said Annette Logan-Parker, CEO, Cure 4 The Kids Foundation.  “It shows that Cure 4 The Kids Foundation is committed to providing an outstanding clinical experience, and is also interested in learning from an internal perspective where we can improve our operations.”

All of the 2019 Top 50 Best Nonprofits To Work For —including Cure 4 The Kids Foundation —scored at least 10 percentage points higher in positive employee responses in the following areas: Leadership and Planning, Culture and Communications, and Training, Development and Resources.

Cure 4 The Kids Foundation — a 501(c)(3) organization — was founded in 2007 and is Nevada’s only childhood cancer outpatient treatment center. Unlike most medical clinics, Cure 4 The Kids Foundation accepts patients with good insurance, bad insurance or no insurance — no child is turned away from treatment for financial reasons.  Fundraisers, grants, and donations help the foundation’s Charity Care Program provide treatment to those who could not otherwise afford it.

In addition to childhood cancer treatment, the clinic provides medical expertise and treatment to those affected by rare and ultra-rare diseases, sickle cell disease, bleeding and clotting disorders, genetic and rheumatologic conditions. Cure 4 The Kids Foundation also provides outpatient pediatric palliative care, neuropsychology services, child life specialist, and access to the StoryBook Homes Long-Term Follow-Up Clinic for childhood cancer survivors. 

In 2018, Cure 4 The Kids Foundation treated more than 4,000 patients, the majority of them for childhood cancer.

The Nonprofit Times