COVID-19 Statement

Pandemic Plan

Dear Community,

In light of all that is happening in connection with COVID-19, I wanted to communicate with you directly.

We’ve taken immediate steps to protect the health of our patients, staff, and the community at large. These changes are the result of our constant communication with the Southern Nevada Health District as well as the Centers for Disease Control. Please understand, the safeguards we currently have in place may change in the future, based on the trajectory of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak.

At some point, our guidelines will require your assistance and participation.  We ask for your patience as we get through this together. At this time, our ultimate goal is keeping our patients, with compromised immune systems and other complicating factors, healthy and safe. Their health is everything to us, and it is our responsibility to protect them in this current environment.

To help prevent the transmission of the virus, we are enforcing a virtual working environment (work from home) for many of our team members and we have eliminated all visitor and guest activity in the facility.  We have established a mandatory screening center where everyone entering our facility; including employees, patients/parents, and vendors will be required to participate in the screening activities prior to entering the elevators that accesses our clinical environment.    

Finally, I want to strongly support the actions of our lawmakers for the steps they have taken to declare a state of emergency. This is an essential first step. I also want to acknowledge the tireless efforts of the professionals in public health, EMS/first responders, and the many health care professionals keeping our local healthcare system intact.  The precautions listed above, will keep our healthcare professionals healthy so they can get us through this.

Annette Logan-Parker

President & CEO

Cure 4 The Kids Foundation

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