Summerlin Hospital Announces New Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Unit

While our greatest hope is that a child never requires hospitalization, it does become necessary at times for some patients. Earlier this year, Summerlin Hospital dedicated its new Pediatric Oncology Unit and our own Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Alan Ikeda and Cure 4 The Kids Foundation CEO Annette Logan-Parker helped to cut the ribbon!

This was also the perfect opportunity for us to catch up with Dr. Alan to find out more about Summerlin Hospital’s new unit and his new interim position.

Cure 4 The Kids Foundation: Tell us about the new Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Unit.

Dr. Alan: The unit is important because it is designed to provide a safe environment for the special population of children whom we treat. It also allows for a nurturing environment with consistent exposure to the special circumstances that our population faces.  This, in turn, fosters the unit staff to become specialized in their skills to be proficient in the care of Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology patients.

Cure 4 The Kids Foundation: We just learned you accepted an interim position at Summerlin Hospital?

Dr. Alan: I accepted the position of Interim Chair of Pediatrics at Summerlin Hospital.  In this position, I will provide oversight of the various Pediatric programs at Summerlin Hospital, Pediatrics, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Labor and Delivery, and the Pediatric Emergency Room.  There are many great leaders in each of the divisions, as well as administrators, which makes the position a lot easier.  We hope to continue to build on the current program to bring more cutting edge medical technology to our city and state.

Cure 4 The Kids Foundation: That sounds great for our community, but does this mean you are planning to leave Cure 4 The Kids Foundation?

Dr. Alan: This does NOT mean I am leaving.  By taking this position, I believe it allows for better collaborations between Cure 4 The Kids Foundation, Summerlin Hospital and health practices in the community.  So I think it’s good news for our patients.

Thanks Dr. Alan!

(Pictured: L to R, Robert Freymuller, CEO Summerlin Hospital, Kathryn Beardshaw, RN, Pediatric Manager, Summerlin Hospital, Catherine Tonn, CFO, Cure 4 The Kids Foundation, Alan Ikeda, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Cure 4 The Kids Foundation, Annette Logan-Parker, President & CEO, Cure 4 The Kids Foundation)

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