Gwen Stefani Visits Cure 4 The Kids Foundation!

Thanks to the efforts of many people who worked behind the scenes to make it happen, we had the incredible honor to welcome Gwen Stefani to Cure 4 The Kids Foundation on Thursday, March 14, 2019. Ms. Stefani helped us officially dedicate our new location in the One Breakthrough Way building by participating in our ribbon cutting event.

But the multi-Platinum recording artist also came to see the special themed patient exam room inspired in her honor.  Stefani wanted to do what she could to help provide some joy and hope –and most of all, fun– to children as they attend medical appointments that are part of the treatment for childhood cancer and other conditions.  We all agreed the best way to do that was to give one of our exam rooms a total makeover with help from Stefani and Las Vegas artist Juan Muniz who created the incredible wall illustrations. (Photos by Tonya Harvey)

When Gwen Stefani announced her Las Vegas residency at the Zappos Theater inside Planet Hollywood Hotel & Casino, she also announced that she would donate $1 from every ticket sold to her Las Vegas performances to Cure 4 The Kids Foundation. So far, the donation has exceeded  $50,000 and is being set aside to help fund a projected $2 million dollar expansion of the clinic which will include additional patient exam rooms, a dedicated area for research and some new services benefiting our patients.

As you might expect, Gwen’s visit to the clinic attracted a fair amount of attention!

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