In partnership with Cure 4 The Kids Foundation, Vitalant (formerly United Blood Services) will be on-site to collect blood for the needs of Southern Nevadans. Many factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, have drastically reduced the available supply of blood in the region.
The impact of COVID-19 on the blood supply has resulted in the cancelation of hundreds of local blood drives. These cancellations will impact the national blood supply with loss of 27,000 blood donations by the end of this year.
The impact of COVID-19 on the blood supply affects our entire community including patients of Cure 4 The Kids Foundation who may require additional blood during their pediatric cancer treatment, including surgery, transfusions, or other medical procedures.
All donors must wear a mask when donating.
All donors who have a successful donation will receive a COVID-19 antibody test
WHEN: Thursday, October 29, 2020
TIME: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
WHERE: One Breakthrough Way, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89135.
The Vitalant Bloodmobile will be located in front of the building located near Town Center Drive and the 215 Beltway.
Ways to Donate:
By Appointment:
Make an appointment by calling: 877-258-4825 (877-25-VITAL)
Make an appointment online at — enter code: Cure4Kids
The Vitalant bloodmobile will be able to accommodate drop-in donors throughout the day. We ask that all donors remain patient when they arrive.
Blood Donor Requirements:
Must be at least 16 years old (16 and 17 year old much bring a signed permission form from parent/guardian)
- Weigh at least 110 pounds
- Be in good general health
- Eat within two hours prior to donation and drink plenty of water before donation
- Bring photo ID
Do NOT donate if you had symptoms from a diagnosed or suspected COVID-19 infection in the past four weeks, or have been in close contact with individuals diagnosed or suspected of COVID-19 infection
Blood donation facts:
*25 percent of the blood collected in Southern Nevada comes from high schools and college blood drives.
*Vitalant is seeking blood donors to make up for the shortfall of thousands of uncollected donations at canceled high school and college blood drives.
*As the pandemic continues, convalescent plasma donations are also needed now to help patients currently battling this disease.